
Iron Blog Battle Update

The debate over torture is done at the Iron Blog. Robin Pratt, the Iron Blogger Green won 242-229. I thought that the Challenger (Chris from NH) should have won, as did two of the judges, but that may have been in part because of my bias towards his more philosophical argument. He did an incredible job, especially since was forced to argue for against his beliefs for the debate. If you have the time, read the whole debate. When I printed it out at 9-point font, it was about 25 pages long, so it's not something you can read really quickly. It is worth it, however.

If you are interesting in moving beyond the rhetoric of American politics and getting into the issues, this is the blog for you. I just hope that it keeps on going.

*UPDATE* Apparently, the link to the debate verdict didn't work. I guess you'll just ahve to scroll down a bit to find it. Hey, at least it'll burn another calorie or two.