
Suicide Bombers are Unpreventable

Rakiir at Teleologic Blog explains why you cannot prevent suicide bombers. To defeat the jihadists, we must be proactive:

"...No defense and no preventive measures can succeed against a determined suicide murderer. This has not yet penetrated the thinking of the Western World. The U.S. and Europe are constantly improving their defense against the last murder, not the next one. We may arrange for the best airport security in the world. But if you want to murder by suicide, you do not have to board a plane in order to explode yourself and kill many people. Who could stop a suicide murder in the midst of the crowded line waiting to be checked by the airport metal detector?..."

This seems to be undeniable. There is no concievable way to make society safe from suicide bombers. The only strategy that has any hope of working is to destroy the infrastructer
[sic] which supports such killers and attack the ideology which supports them.

He's right on target. We are in a total war; this should be obvious to every American after the execution of Paul Johnson. Every American is a target, and the war won't win until we give up or kill every competent terrorist.