
What If The Muslims Are Right?

After all the prison abuse news hit the presses, I started thinking about the war. It really rattled me. This had been brewing in the back of my mind for a while now, probably the growth of a seed planted by an anti-war friend. Here are some initial thoughts.

Suppose that the Muslims are right and we are indecent and decadent. Maybe these abuses that are sexual in nature are not aberrences but the natural outgrowth of our culture. You've all watched MTV, I imagine. What does modern music glorify if not promiscuous sex? If they are right, then we have no business "cleaning up" Iraq. If the natural outgrowth of democracy is the proliferation of values that Muslims hate, why should we convert them?

In the end, I don't know what to think. I wish I did, though. I don't think that it was a wise decision to attempt to liberate Iraq. However, I'm going to continue to support the war, because there isn't any better option.