

I want to see someone die.

This thought occurred to me today. I'm not being hyperbolic about someone I dislike; I just realized that although I've been to funerals (like the one I'm going to this weekend), I've never seen someone die. It seems to be one of the most important moments in a person's life. I'd like to see it sometime.

I was also thinking that death is fairly taboo in our society. As soon as we got over the sex hangup in the 1800's, we don't want to think or talk about death. Botox and Viagra are attempts to reverse aging and ignore the reality of death. Trevor has written on how we are obsessed with violence in the media, and I think that's because it deals with death.



Working out some kinks in my settings... maybe this'll increase my kinky score on Dave Barry's blog.

UPDATE: Well, I wanted to be able to post under either Machete Masta Ho Slappa or Telcontar, Heir of Isildur, but it seems like it would take a lot of effort, which is not something I'm inclined to put out at this time. Thus, all of my readers (three: maureen, marty, and genevieve[if you even count]) must be content with only the Telcontar moniker at this point.

spring sucks

I want this semester to be over now, so that I can just tramp outside all day long in pursuit of birds. I have 140 species or so right now in my life list, and moving up near Delaware Gap should give me ample opportunity to hit 200 by the end of the year, although we all know I'll probably have to get it before September with school like it is.

postscript: If anybody wants to come along, tell me. I have only two conditions: 1) you must promise to be quiet and 2) you need a pair of boots.

A Break-up Note to Spring

A note to Spring:

You torment me with your beauty, calling from the other side of the glass panes, "Come, come out and play."

Why our relationship can't work: First off, you treat my work like it doesn't matter. Do you understand that I have 6 papers due this next week? That's like 50 pages of writing! Secondly, I'm always here for you, but the same cannot be said of you. You leave me every June, and I don't see you until March. I'm not the one that moved. I cannot deny that you are the most beautiful phenomenon I've ever seen, especially when you're wet, but that's not enough for a healthy relationship. I'm leaving this abusive relationship to find myself and become a stronger and happier person.



Gangsta Names

This site is the bomb! It will convert your current sorry name into a bad-ass gangsta name.

My name is now Machete Masta Ho Slappa.


A very good day

I love warm spring rains and a certain beautiful girl.


Art, Round II

I figured I'd just go ahead and make a new post concerning marty's comments.

what i'm curious to know is what would you call art if no one ever saw it, now that you don't consider it art? and what then is the artist? and what does that do to the merit of this wannabe-art?

These are great questions. I don't think that we have a word in the English language for this "wannabe-art." Perhaps it could be called potential art that becomes actualized when seen/heard. Art should be seen as a process, from conception to presentation. This means that the person is still an artist, even if they never have a fully actualized piece of art.

Regarding the merit, if the process is arrested, then part of the value certainly is lost. An idea is less than a symphony, and a symphony is less if it is never heard.

With all this said, I still haven't fully convinced myself on this issue. I was talking to Trevor the other day about classifying artists into two subgroups: authors and performers, with authors taken in a broad sense.

Lafayette Rugby = Thumbs Down

Lafayette has to be the worst Rugby team we've ever played. I'm not focusing on their playing ability, but rather their motivation and organization.
First, last Sunday, they call us at 10:30, and tell us that they can't make it to the game at 1. This is because their formal was the night before, and they are all in bed sleeping off hangovers. They give us a few excuses, but it's pretty transparent.
We reschedule the game for Friday under the threat of otherwise reporting them to the EPRU (Lafayette would get fined.) They do show up, but with 12 guys, 3 short of a team. We play anyway.
And now, today. There was supposed to be a three-team tournament, starting at 1 at Lafayette. When we got there, the gates were locked. Apparently, the tournament was cancelled because Lafayette couldn't get a school EMT and ambulance, which is a school requirement for sporting events. Actually, they did try to get an ambulance, but they told the driver that the tourney started at 9. There was then an "after"-party with a keg. It blew. I mean, I wasn't going to get drunk, and I certainly wasn't going to hook up with anybody.
So, in conclusion, Lafayette Rugby is comprised of a bunch of lazy morons.


Well, I always knew I was sensitive...


Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti

But I didn't know I was effeminate!


English 100

...is the class of death for procrastinators when taught by Nancy Bates. I've put off even learning about my topic for my research paper and presentation, and now, it's only a few days away. I'll end up just playing Miles Davis tracks the whole time. I might still pass: she likes Miles Davis.


Tony & Peggy Campolo on Homosexuality

Transcript of a videotape of a talk at North Park College Chapel on February 29, 1996

This is an excellent discussion between Tony and his wife about homosexuality. They come down on opposite sides, but are both articulate and thoughtful. Tony pretty much explains my views on the subject.


Philosophical Field Research

Alright, I'm conducting an independent experiment for my philosophy class. I hope I have at least one person that reads this... who knows. Maybe I'm the only one that reads my posts.

#1. Do you believe that every event has a cause?

#2. Do you believe that we have real choices in life, where there are two or more possibilities, and each is open to us?



create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide

Not really that many states... perhaps I will take a road trip this summer. Of course, I've never been outside the country, so I didn't even bother to do that map.


Who is an Artist? What is Art?

We had an interesting discussion in CIE the other day about the nature of artists. I pissed off most of the class with my definitions, so I thought I'd pass them onto you to piss you off, too.

An artist is someone who creates art. Easy enough, right? Art is a bit more difficult. First off, it must have complexity and intentionality. Some modern "art" today is not art, because it lacks complexity (e.g. painting a circle) or intentionality (duchamp's sculptures come to mind). The goal of art is to express truths in a non-philosophical way (i.e. using syllogisms).

There also must be a distinction between artists and performers. A person who performs a concerto, or reads a poem, or dances a ballet, is not an artist. They are rather performers. This is not to devalue what they do (except in the case of Justin Timberlake). There is some sort of hierarchy, or progression, of meaning:

Life ---> Artist ---> Performer ---> Audience

Each piece is necessary for the work of art to occur.