
Dutch to Expel 26,000

We are seeing a backlash against cultural globalization in Europe. The New York Times reports. (You may have to create a free account to view the article.)

"THE HAGUE, Feb. 17 — The Dutch lower house of Parliament voted on Tuesday to expel up to 26,000 failed asylum-seekers over the next three years, a move that could give this country one of Europe's most restrictive policies."

The article goes on to say that the "center-right coalition government" is behind this. I am skeptical that it truly is center-right, because, down on the 12th and 13th grafs, the rationale for expelling old immigrants and restricting new ones is given. Most of the immigrants are Muslim, and they oppose "traditional Dutch values like equal rights for women and gays." This sounds much more like a left-wing policy. I don't know the specifics in this case, but I do know that Pim Fortuyn, who brought the Muslim immigration debate to the forefront, was misidentified as a far right-winger by most American media. He held the same position on the subject as the current government does. He wanted to ban all Muslim immigration because they are against homosexual rights.

The confusion lies in the inherent limitations of the right-left labels. The idea of a diamond reveals much more. Here is a 10 Y/N question quiz that shows the diamond in action. Pim Fortuyn and the Dutch government lie on the line between left-liberal and authoritarian. The NY Times assumes that only right-wingers can be authoritarian, and only left-wingers can be libertarian. This is ridiculous. I am definitely a hybrid between a libertarian and conservative, and I know many liberal statists.